route53 API Reference

Below you will find the entire publicly exposed API for python-route53 documented in its entirety. If you find anything missing, lacking detail, or incorrect, please file an issue on the issue tracker.


The top-level route53 module is used as the default entry point to python-route53’s functionality. You’ll want to go through the connect() function to get a Route53Connection instance to work with the Route 53 API.

route53.connect(aws_access_key_id=None, aws_secret_access_key=None, **kwargs)

Instantiates and returns a route53.connection.Route53Connection instance, which is how you’ll start your interactions with the Route 53 API.

  • aws_access_key_id (str) – Your AWS Access Key ID
  • aws_secret_access_key (str) – Your AWS Secret Access Key
Return type:



A connection to Amazon’s Route 53


class route53.connection.Route53Connection(aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key)

Instances of this class are instantiated by the top-level route53.connect() function, and serve as a high level gateway to the Route 53 API. The majority of your interaction with these instances will probably be creating, deleting, and retrieving HostedZone instances.


Do not instantiate instances of this class yourself.

create_hosted_zone(name, caller_reference=None, comment=None)

Creates and returns a new hosted zone. Once a hosted zone is created, its details can’t be changed.

  • name (str) – The name of the hosted zone to create.
  • caller_reference (str) – A unique string that identifies the request and that allows failed create_hosted_zone requests to be retried without the risk of executing the operation twice. If no value is given, we’ll generate a Type 4 UUID for you.
  • comment (str) – An optional comment to attach to the zone.
Return type:



A tuple in the form of (hosted_zone, change_info). The hosted_zone variable contains a HostedZone instance matching the newly created zone, and change_info is a dict with some details about the API request.


Deletes a hosted zone, by hosted zone ID (not name).


For most cases, we recommend deleting hosted zones via a HostedZone instance’s HostedZone.delete method, but this saves an HTTP request if you already know the zone’s ID.


Unlike HostedZone.delete, this method has no optional force kwarg.

Parameters:id (str) – The hosted zone’s ID (a short hash string).
Return type:dict
Returns:A dict of change info, which contains some details about the request.
endpoint_version = '2012-02-29'

Retrieves a hosted zone, by hosted zone ID (not name).

Parameters:id (str) – The hosted zone’s ID (a short hash string).
Return type:HostedZone
Returns:An HostedZone instance representing the requested hosted zone.

List all hosted zones associated with this connection’s account. Since this method returns a generator, you can pull as many or as few entries as you’d like, without having to query and receive every hosted zone you may have.

Parameters:page_chunks (int) – This API call is “paginated” behind-the-scenes in order to break up large result sets. This number determines the maximum number of HostedZone instances to retrieve per request. The default is fine for almost everyone.
Return type:generator
Returns:A generator of HostedZone instances.


class route53.hosted_zone.HostedZone(connection, id, name, caller_reference, resource_record_set_count, comment)

A hosted zone is a collection of resource record sets hosted by Route 53. Like a traditional DNS zone file, a hosted zone represents a collection of resource record sets that are managed together under a single domain name. Each hosted zone has its own metadata and configuration information.


Do not instantiate this directly yourself. Go through one of the methods on route53.connection.Route53Connection.

create_a_record(name, values, ttl=60, weight=None, region=None, set_identifier=None, alias_hosted_zone_id=None, alias_dns_name=None)

Creates and returns an A record attached to this hosted zone.

  • name (str) – The fully qualified name of the record to add.
  • values (list) – A list of value strings for the record.
  • ttl (int) – The time-to-live of the record (in seconds).
  • weight (int) – For weighted record sets only. Among resource record sets that have the same combination of DNS name and type, a value that determines what portion of traffic for the current resource record set is routed to the associated location. Ranges from 0-255.
  • region (str) – For latency-based record sets. The Amazon EC2 region where the resource that is specified in this resource record set resides.
  • set_identifier (str) – For weighted and latency resource record sets only. An identifier that differentiates among multiple resource record sets that have the same combination of DNS name and type. 1-128 chars.
  • alias_hosted_zone_id (str) – Alias A records have this specified. It appears to be the hosted zone ID for the ELB the Alias points at.
  • alias_dns_name (str) – Alias A records have this specified. It is the DNS name for the ELB that the Alias points to.
Return type:



A tuple in the form of (rrset, change_info), where rrset is the newly created AResourceRecordSet instance.

create_aaaa_record(name, values, ttl=60, weight=None, region=None, set_identifier=None)

Creates an AAAA record attached to this hosted zone.

  • name (str) – The fully qualified name of the record to add.
  • values (list) – A list of value strings for the record.
  • ttl (int) – The time-to-live of the record (in seconds).
  • weight (int) – For weighted record sets only. Among resource record sets that have the same combination of DNS name and type, a value that determines what portion of traffic for the current resource record set is routed to the associated location. Ranges from 0-255.
  • region (str) – For latency-based record sets. The Amazon EC2 region where the resource that is specified in this resource record set resides.
  • set_identifier (str) – For weighted and latency resource record sets only. An identifier that differentiates among multiple resource record sets that have the same combination of DNS name and type. 1-128 chars.
Return type:



A tuple in the form of (rrset, change_info), where rrset is the newly created AAAAResourceRecordSet instance.

create_cname_record(name, values, ttl=60, weight=None, region=None, set_identifier=None)

Creates a CNAME record attached to this hosted zone.

  • name (str) – The fully qualified name of the record to add.
  • values (list) – A list of value strings for the record.
  • ttl (int) – The time-to-live of the record (in seconds).
  • weight (int) – For weighted record sets only. Among resource record sets that have the same combination of DNS name and type, a value that determines what portion of traffic for the current resource record set is routed to the associated location. Ranges from 0-255.
  • region (str) – For latency-based record sets. The Amazon EC2 region where the resource that is specified in this resource record set resides.
  • set_identifier (str) – For weighted and latency resource record sets only. An identifier that differentiates among multiple resource record sets that have the same combination of DNS name and type. 1-128 chars.
Return type:



A tuple in the form of (rrset, change_info), where rrset is the newly created CNAMEResourceRecordSet instance.

create_mx_record(name, values, ttl=60)

Creates a MX record attached to this hosted zone.

  • name (str) – The fully qualified name of the record to add.
  • values (list) – A list of value strings for the record.
  • ttl (int) – The time-to-live of the record (in seconds).
Return type:



A tuple in the form of (rrset, change_info), where rrset is the newly created MXResourceRecordSet instance.

create_ns_record(name, values, ttl=60)

Creates a NS record attached to this hosted zone.

  • name (str) – The fully qualified name of the record to add.
  • values (list) – A list of value strings for the record.
  • ttl (int) – The time-to-live of the record (in seconds).
Return type:



A tuple in the form of (rrset, change_info), where rrset is the newly created NSResourceRecordSet instance.

create_ptr_record(name, values, ttl=60)

Creates a PTR record attached to this hosted zone.

  • name (str) – The fully qualified name of the record to add.
  • values (list) – A list of value strings for the record.
  • ttl (int) – The time-to-live of the record (in seconds).
Return type:



A tuple in the form of (rrset, change_info), where rrset is the newly created PTRResourceRecordSet instance.

create_spf_record(name, values, ttl=60)

Creates a SPF record attached to this hosted zone.

  • name (str) – The fully qualified name of the record to add.
  • values (list) – A list of value strings for the record.
  • ttl (int) – The time-to-live of the record (in seconds).
Return type:



A tuple in the form of (rrset, change_info), where rrset is the newly created SPFResourceRecordSet instance.

create_srv_record(name, values, ttl=60)

Creates a SRV record attached to this hosted zone.

  • name (str) – The fully qualified name of the record to add.
  • values (list) – A list of value strings for the record.
  • ttl (int) – The time-to-live of the record (in seconds).
Return type:



A tuple in the form of (rrset, change_info), where rrset is the newly created SRVResourceRecordSet instance.

create_txt_record(name, values, ttl=60, weight=None, region=None, set_identifier=None)

Creates a TXT record attached to this hosted zone.

  • name (str) – The fully qualified name of the record to add.
  • values (list) – A list of value strings for the record.
  • ttl (int) – The time-to-live of the record (in seconds).
  • weight (int) – For weighted record sets only. Among resource record sets that have the same combination of DNS name and type, a value that determines what portion of traffic for the current resource record set is routed to the associated location. Ranges from 0-255.
  • region (str) – For latency-based record sets. The Amazon EC2 region where the resource that is specified in this resource record set resides.
  • set_identifier (str) – For weighted and latency resource record sets only. An identifier that differentiates among multiple resource record sets that have the same combination of DNS name and type. 1-128 chars.
Return type:



A tuple in the form of (rrset, change_info), where rrset is the newly created TXTResourceRecordSet instance.


Deletes this hosted zone. After this method is ran, you won’t be able to add records, or do anything else with the zone. You’d need to re-create it, as zones are read-only after creation.

Parameters:force (bool) – If True, delete the HostedZone, even if it means nuking all associated record sets. If False, an exception is raised if this HostedZone has record sets.
Return type:dict
Returns:A dict of change info, which contains some details about the request.
Return type:list
Returns:A list of nameserver strings for this hosted zone.

Queries for the Resource Record Sets that are under this HostedZone. This is typically the way to go to find specific record sets, or to list them all.

We don’t currently implement any filtering convenience method, since it is very easy to do this yourself, catered to your own needs. For example, if you find your match, you may choose to stop iterating on the generator, potentially saving yourself extra API queries (behind the scenes).


This result set can get pretty large if you have a ton of records.

Return type:generator
Returns:A generator of ResourceRecordSet sub-classes.


class route53.resource_record_set.AResourceRecordSet(alias_hosted_zone_id=None, alias_dns_name=None, *args, **kwargs)

Specific A record class. There are two kinds of A records:

  • Regular A records.
  • Alias A records. These point at an ELB instance instead of an IP.

Create these via HostedZone.create_a_record. Retrieve them via HostedZone.record_sets.


Deletes this record set.


Queries for this record set’s HostedZone.


This is not cached, it will always return the latest data from the Route 53 API.

Return type:HostedZone
Returns:The matching HostedZone for this record set.

Checks whether this is an A record in Alias mode.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if this is an A record in Alias mode, and False otherwise.

Determines whether this record set has been modified since the last retrieval or save.

Return type:bool
Returns:True` if the record set has been modified, and ``False if not.
rrset_type = 'A'

Saves any changes to this record set.

class route53.resource_record_set.AAAAResourceRecordSet(alias_hosted_zone_id=None, alias_dns_name=None, *args, **kwargs)

Specific AAAA record class. Create these via HostedZone.create_aaaa_record. Retrieve them via HostedZone.record_sets.


Deletes this record set.


Queries for this record set’s HostedZone.


This is not cached, it will always return the latest data from the Route 53 API.

Return type:HostedZone
Returns:The matching HostedZone for this record set.

Checks whether this is an A record in Alias mode.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if this is an A record in Alias mode, and False otherwise.

Determines whether this record set has been modified since the last retrieval or save.

Return type:bool
Returns:True` if the record set has been modified, and ``False if not.
rrset_type = 'AAAA'

Saves any changes to this record set.

class route53.resource_record_set.CNAMEResourceRecordSet(alias_hosted_zone_id=None, alias_dns_name=None, *args, **kwargs)

Specific CNAME record class. Create these via HostedZone.create_cname_record. Retrieve them via HostedZone.record_sets.


Deletes this record set.


Queries for this record set’s HostedZone.


This is not cached, it will always return the latest data from the Route 53 API.

Return type:HostedZone
Returns:The matching HostedZone for this record set.

Checks whether this is an A record in Alias mode.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if this is an A record in Alias mode, and False otherwise.

Determines whether this record set has been modified since the last retrieval or save.

Return type:bool
Returns:True` if the record set has been modified, and ``False if not.
rrset_type = 'CNAME'

Saves any changes to this record set.

class route53.resource_record_set.MXResourceRecordSet(connection, zone_id, name, ttl, records, weight=None, region=None, set_identifier=None)

Specific MX record class. Create these via HostedZone.create_mx_record. Retrieve them via HostedZone.record_sets.


Deletes this record set.


Queries for this record set’s HostedZone.


This is not cached, it will always return the latest data from the Route 53 API.

Return type:HostedZone
Returns:The matching HostedZone for this record set.

Checks whether this is an A record in Alias mode.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if this is an A record in Alias mode, and False otherwise.

Determines whether this record set has been modified since the last retrieval or save.

Return type:bool
Returns:True` if the record set has been modified, and ``False if not.
rrset_type = 'MX'

Saves any changes to this record set.

class route53.resource_record_set.NSResourceRecordSet(connection, zone_id, name, ttl, records, weight=None, region=None, set_identifier=None)

Specific NS record class. Create these via HostedZone.create_ns_record. Retrieve them via HostedZone.record_sets.


Deletes this record set.


Queries for this record set’s HostedZone.


This is not cached, it will always return the latest data from the Route 53 API.

Return type:HostedZone
Returns:The matching HostedZone for this record set.

Checks whether this is an A record in Alias mode.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if this is an A record in Alias mode, and False otherwise.

Determines whether this record set has been modified since the last retrieval or save.

Return type:bool
Returns:True` if the record set has been modified, and ``False if not.
rrset_type = 'NS'

Saves any changes to this record set.

class route53.resource_record_set.PTRResourceRecordSet(connection, zone_id, name, ttl, records, weight=None, region=None, set_identifier=None)

Specific PTR record class. Create these via HostedZone.create_ptr_record. Retrieve them via HostedZone.record_sets.


Deletes this record set.


Queries for this record set’s HostedZone.


This is not cached, it will always return the latest data from the Route 53 API.

Return type:HostedZone
Returns:The matching HostedZone for this record set.

Checks whether this is an A record in Alias mode.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if this is an A record in Alias mode, and False otherwise.

Determines whether this record set has been modified since the last retrieval or save.

Return type:bool
Returns:True` if the record set has been modified, and ``False if not.
rrset_type = 'PTR'

Saves any changes to this record set.

class route53.resource_record_set.SOAResourceRecordSet(connection, zone_id, name, ttl, records, weight=None, region=None, set_identifier=None)

Specific SOA record class. Retrieve these via HostedZone.record_sets. They can’t be created.


SOA records can’t be created or deleted.


Queries for this record set’s HostedZone.


This is not cached, it will always return the latest data from the Route 53 API.

Return type:HostedZone
Returns:The matching HostedZone for this record set.

Checks whether this is an A record in Alias mode.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if this is an A record in Alias mode, and False otherwise.

Determines whether this record set has been modified since the last retrieval or save.

Return type:bool
Returns:True` if the record set has been modified, and ``False if not.
rrset_type = 'SOA'

Saves any changes to this record set.

class route53.resource_record_set.SPFResourceRecordSet(connection, zone_id, name, ttl, records, weight=None, region=None, set_identifier=None)

Specific SPF record class. Create these via HostedZone.create_spf_record. Retrieve them via HostedZone.record_sets.


Deletes this record set.


Queries for this record set’s HostedZone.


This is not cached, it will always return the latest data from the Route 53 API.

Return type:HostedZone
Returns:The matching HostedZone for this record set.

Checks whether this is an A record in Alias mode.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if this is an A record in Alias mode, and False otherwise.

Determines whether this record set has been modified since the last retrieval or save.

Return type:bool
Returns:True` if the record set has been modified, and ``False if not.
rrset_type = 'SPF'

Saves any changes to this record set.

class route53.resource_record_set.SRVResourceRecordSet(connection, zone_id, name, ttl, records, weight=None, region=None, set_identifier=None)

Specific SRV record class. Create these via HostedZone.create_srv_record. Retrieve them via HostedZone.record_sets.


Deletes this record set.


Queries for this record set’s HostedZone.


This is not cached, it will always return the latest data from the Route 53 API.

Return type:HostedZone
Returns:The matching HostedZone for this record set.

Checks whether this is an A record in Alias mode.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if this is an A record in Alias mode, and False otherwise.

Determines whether this record set has been modified since the last retrieval or save.

Return type:bool
Returns:True` if the record set has been modified, and ``False if not.
rrset_type = 'SRV'

Saves any changes to this record set.

class route53.resource_record_set.TXTResourceRecordSet(connection, zone_id, name, ttl, records, weight=None, region=None, set_identifier=None)

Specific TXT record class. Create these via HostedZone.create_txt_record. Retrieve them via HostedZone.record_sets.


Deletes this record set.


Queries for this record set’s HostedZone.


This is not cached, it will always return the latest data from the Route 53 API.

Return type:HostedZone
Returns:The matching HostedZone for this record set.

Checks whether this is an A record in Alias mode.

Return type:bool
Returns:True if this is an A record in Alias mode, and False otherwise.

Determines whether this record set has been modified since the last retrieval or save.

Return type:bool
Returns:True` if the record set has been modified, and ``False if not.
rrset_type = 'TXT'

Saves any changes to this record set.


exception route53.exceptions.AlreadyDeletedError

Raised when the user tries to modify something on a hosted zone that has been deleted in Route53.

exception route53.exceptions.Route53Error

Base class for all Route53 API exceptions. Mostly here to allow end users to catch all Route53 exceptions.